What women nurses went through during the war.

Author Subject: What women nurses went through during the war.
Julia Posted At 12:48:25 02/03/2003
I am doing a project on women in world war 1, and I found out that women nurses had it really bad. Sam you inspired me to write something so here it is.

Women nurses in the war had to help men who had been badly injured. Like men with large holes in, and on their body. Men who's intestins are hanging out of their stomach. Also men with limbs, and body parts missing.

Women had to work standing in internal, and external body parts from men. They also had to work with blood, and guts all over themselves.

Some women who went to help wounded men in the streets were killed on site.
Amber Burns Re: What women nurses went through during the war. (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 15:08:16 02/27/2003

I am also doing a project on women nurses in 10 social Srudies and was just wondering if you have any further information on nurses and their role and what they had to go through during ww1 or any war. I have to write a dariy or letter from a nurse to someone but just need some of the things that nurses faced in regards to exactly what you were talking about.
Thank you for your short discripsion on nurses.
Misty Re: What women nurses went through during the war. (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 12:53:17 05/06/2003

i think it was good for their part cause they save our troop's

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