Weak argument necessitates discrimination

Author Subject: Weak argument necessitates discrimination
Rebecca Posted At 09:35:39 01/16/2003
I am in the midst of reading through the first chapter (available online) and have found the following paragraph completely inappropriate:

"Although some lesbians and radical feminists embrace Amazon myths, the various representations of Amazons through history have carried a mixed message because men use those myths to reinforce their own masculinity."

Why does this argument necessitate a reference to scholars of a specific sexual orientation? What do heterosexual scholars have to say about Amazonian history?

Completely unjustified in a 'scholarly' endeavour and misplaced and misleading. Are you referring to a specific lesbian or feminist? Who is it? What does this achieve?

I sense that the terms ‘lesbian’ and ‘radical feminist’ were employed to dismiss the idea as something belonging to another, “topsy-turvey” (as you say) way of thinking; one that you obviously don’t agree with. Not only is your argument so poorly supported here that you had to resort to name-calling but it is very dangerous activity to dismiss people and their ideas on the basis of their sexuality, race, gender or religion.
Joshua Goldstein Re: Weak argument necessitates discrimination (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 20:22:43 01/22/2003

You know what, Rebecca, you are right. This is a sloppy piece of writing, not consistent with my argument in the book. It should have been edited out long ago, but in a big book mistakes do happen. Thanks for catching it. I have taken out the words "lesbian and radical" from the chapter online, and will ask that they also be removed if there is a future paperback reprint.
Rebecca Re: Weak argument necessitates discrimination (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 13:20:31 01/23/2003

Thanks for your response and I appreciate the action you have taken.
Stacyan Re: Weak argument necessitates discrimination (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 21:44:10 05/25/2003

Well done Rebecca!! Glad to see a fellow critical reader, keep on pressing.

Hi Joshua,
I am really impressed with the fact that you actually respond to critiques of your book. If in fact it is really you I commend your efforts. I am currently reading International Relations and I am finding the first chapter a little overwhelming with the many different arguments posed but also quite interesting as a learning tool towards really understanding some of the basic terminology and language necessary to understand IR. It does however get more interesting as you get more into the specifics.
Joshua Goldstein Re: Weak argument necessitates discrimination (Currently 0 replies)
Posted At 14:03:41 05/26/2003

Yes, it is really me. [My textbook "International Relations" lives on the web at:
www.internationalrelations.net ]

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